Mammography scan breast imaging scan with patient and doctor


South Coast Radiology is proud to announce the acquisition of the latest breast imaging technology, 3D Mammography Breast Tomosynthesis. 3D mammography, when compared to 2D mammography, is 27% more effective at detecting breast cancers, 40% more effective at detecting invasive breast cancers, and reduces false positives by 17%.


    South Coast Radiology is proud to announce the acquisition of the latest breast imaging technology, 3D Mammography Breast Tomosynthesis. 3D mammography, when compared to 2D mammography, is 27% more effective at detecting breast cancers, 40% more effective at detecting invasive breast cancers, and reduces false positives by 17%.

    Mammography is a low-dose X-ray used to assess breast disease in symptomatic women and as a screening tool in the wider population. Mammography can show small cancers well before a lump is palpable, and early detection increases the overall effectiveness of cancer treatment.

    Around 10% of all breast cancers will not be identified by mammography alone. Ultrasound is often used to further assess breast tissue and improve detection rates.

    The key difference between a screening mammogram and a diagnostic mammogram is the reason why a mammogram is requested. A screening mammogram is for review of asymptomatic women taken either once a year, or every two years. In women aged 50-69 years, a screening mammogram is the best way to detect unsuspected cancer at an early stage.

    A diagnostic mammogram is used to assess suspected abnormalities, such as a lump, nipple discharge, change in breast size or shape, or implant rupture.


    We recommend you book your appointment one week after your cycle, as your breasts will be less tender. Please do not wear any talcum powder, antiperspirant, deodorant, perfume or lotions on the day of examination. It is preferable to wear a 2 piece outfit as you will be asked to remove your shirt and bra and change into a gown.

    If you are pregnant or have reason to believe you may be, please inform your doctor and our staff at that time of booking. Please be sure to have a current referral from your doctor, and bring any relevant films or reports to assist our radiologists in making the most accurate diagnosis. Please bring your Medicare or Department of Veterans Affairs card with you to your appointment.


    A qualified radiographer will ask you to remove one shoulder at a time from your gown. Each breast will then be positioned on a flat plate chest height, and compressed for a brief moment. This might feel uncomfortable, but compression of the breast tissue improves image quality and shows tissue more clearly.

    Often, an ultrasound will also be referred and performed to increase accuracy and diagnosis. Occasionally, x-rays are taken to further define areas.


    Two experienced radiologists will interpret and report on the mammogram and provide your referring doctor or specialist with a comprehensive report of the findings. The results of your scan will be sent directly to your referring doctor, and it is very important you book a timely follow-up appointment to discuss your results. Any tenderness after your examination should settle within a few days.


    Patients receive a very low radiation dose. The radiographer will set the equipment for the lowest dose of radiation possible, while still achieving high-quality images. Mammography is generally safe for women with implants, but there is a very small risk that the pressure placed on the implant might cause rupture. It is recommended that patients who are pregnant wait until after delivery to have a screening mammogram. If a diagnostic mammogram is needed during pregnancy, the radiation dose is very low and does not affect the developing child. The radiographer will place a lower abdomen lead apron over the patient to help reduce radiation exposure to the fetus.

Make an appointment online or call our dedicated bookings line