Also called an echo, Echocardiograms is a non-invasive examination of the heart. This exam is a highly accurate assessment of the overall health of your heart.
Also called an echo, Echocardiograms is a non-invasive examination of the heart. This exam is a highly accurate assessment of the overall health of your heart.
An Echocardiogram, or ‘echo,’ uses ultrasound to produce an image of your heart. Your heart chambers, valves, large arteries and veins, and blood flow and pressures can be assessed in great detail. An Echocardiogram will provide your doctor with information about the structure and function of your heart at rest.
You do not need to specially prepare for an echocardiogram.
Comfortable two-piece clothing is recommended. A gown can also be provided.
During the test you will be required to lie on an examination bed on your left-hand side and back. Three sticky dots will be placed on your chest and connected to the machine to allow your heart images to be captured in rhythm to your heartbeat.
To image the heart, the cardiac sonographer will place a thick water-based gel on the imaging probe and then place this probe on your chest and abdomen to obtain multiple images of your heart from different angles. They will also explain the process on the day.
You will be able to see images of your heart on the screen and hear noises representing blood flow. The cardiac sonographer will take a standard series of measurements throughout the test. You may be asked to hold your breath to achieve high quality images.
The test takes between 30-45 minutes and you will be lying still throughout the examination. You should not feel pain or discomfort during the test.
After your echocardiogram is complete, one of our experienced cardiac radiologists will interpret and analyse the ultrasound’s images and provide your referring doctor with a comprehensive report about the findings. It is very important you book a timely follow-up appointment to discuss your results.
Ultrasound is a safe examination that provides excellent imaging without any known risks.
Ultrasound does not involve ionising radiation, making it ideal for pregnant women, their babies, and children. The sonographer will set the equipment to the lowest intensity necessary to achieve high-quality images. The results of your scan will be sent directly to your referring Doctor, and it is very important you book a timely follow-up appointment to discuss your results.
South Coast Radiology
Administrative Offices
Locked Bag 1000,
Mermaid Beach
Queensland 4218
+61 7 5578 9688